Choosing the Best Host
The best host is one that is cheap and gives great customer service. When examining new website hosting, keep in mind that customer service and pricing are equal factors in determining which website hosting company can service you the best so you can avoid having to switch companies later on.
Host Pricing
A good host will offer a low price on simple hosting that can get you started right away. You need to start cheap in order to cover the costs and keep your overhead low at the beginning. Once you start building up your website and find that you need more expensive hosting, you will be in a position where the cost is both negligible and a tax write off. Hosting should be very affordable.
Customer Service is Top Priority
When choosing a web host you need to find one that has great customer service. Getting a web host that you can communicate with directly by chat is vital to getting your sites up and running smoothly on the Internet. Customer service is top priority because working with the web host involves direct communication and open communication at all times.
Choose the Best Hosting Provider
Executive summary about best host by Bandeep Jaswal
Some of the important factors involved in choosing a web-host include:
Percentage of server uptime: Server uptime should be 98% to 99%.
Space provided for the storage of site’s files: If it is a normal content website, then the space requirement is not much, but if the website content involves videos and stuff, then you need a lot of space.
Bandwidth Requirements: If you are expecting a huge traffic to your website, then a large bandwidth is required, for e.g. e-commerce site, a social-networking site, forum.
CGI access should be provided: CGI, Common Gateway Interface, is a specification for transferring information between a World Wide Web server and a CGI program. Make sure that your web-host provider provides you with CGI-access.
Features such as MySQL, Real Audio, Real Video, and Cold Fusion (which some companies sell as an add on component) must be provided by your web-host.
If you running an E-commerce site, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) feature must be provided: This encrypts all order and credit card information until it reaches you. You can even purchase an SSL certificate from your web-hosting provider.
The best host is one that is cheap and gives great customer service. When examining new website hosting, keep in mind that customer service and pricing are equal factors in determining which website hosting company can service you the best so you can avoid having to switch companies later on.
Host Pricing
A good host will offer a low price on simple hosting that can get you started right away. You need to start cheap in order to cover the costs and keep your overhead low at the beginning. Once you start building up your website and find that you need more expensive hosting, you will be in a position where the cost is both negligible and a tax write off. Hosting should be very affordable.
Customer Service is Top Priority
When choosing a web host you need to find one that has great customer service. Getting a web host that you can communicate with directly by chat is vital to getting your sites up and running smoothly on the Internet. Customer service is top priority because working with the web host involves direct communication and open communication at all times.
Choose the Best Hosting Provider
Executive summary about best host by Bandeep Jaswal
Some of the important factors involved in choosing a web-host include:
Percentage of server uptime: Server uptime should be 98% to 99%.
Space provided for the storage of site’s files: If it is a normal content website, then the space requirement is not much, but if the website content involves videos and stuff, then you need a lot of space.
Bandwidth Requirements: If you are expecting a huge traffic to your website, then a large bandwidth is required, for e.g. e-commerce site, a social-networking site, forum.
CGI access should be provided: CGI, Common Gateway Interface, is a specification for transferring information between a World Wide Web server and a CGI program. Make sure that your web-host provider provides you with CGI-access.
Features such as MySQL, Real Audio, Real Video, and Cold Fusion (which some companies sell as an add on component) must be provided by your web-host.
If you running an E-commerce site, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) feature must be provided: This encrypts all order and credit card information until it reaches you. You can even purchase an SSL certificate from your web-hosting provider.
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