Article marketing is a way of getting traffic to your website. If all goes well, you’ll have them not only visiting, but buying something! That’s the whole goal of doing it anyway. It’s a simple way to get your articles published and listed in major search engines, and it’s ridiculously simple to do.
The First Step – Write The Articles
It all starts with your content. You’ll either have to write your own articles or hire an article ghost writer to do them for you. It all depends on how much time and money you have. Some folks find writing their own articles laborious and outsource. Others enjoy cranking out their own content and enjoy the process of learning how to write good copy.
The articles should have eye-catching titles using your keywords as close to the beginning as possible. The body of the article should be easy to read, interesting, informative and relevant. Remember that the point is to draw the reader in, show them that you know what you’re talking about, and get them to read all the way down to the bottom and click your link. If you’re not confident about your ability to write good copy, you can always find a good article ghost writer to crank it out for you.
Submit Your Articles
The next step is to submit your article. There are thousands of article directories out there, but what you should do is pick a handful and focus on those. Look for article directories that pull in lots of traffic and submit to those. Submitting takes some time, so don’t use too many. There is article submitting software that will shoot your article to hundreds of directories at the touch of a button, but they’re not too reliable and they often get labeled as “spam” by the sites.
These sites are considered expert sites, which means that they get ranked highly in Google and other search engines. If you make good use of your keyword, write high quality articles and submit them regularly to directories, they’ll show up in the search engines and you’ll start to see the traffic coming in.
Good Content Links, Bad Content Stinks
One word of caution though – lousy content will not get anybody to your site. By “lousy content” I mean stuff that’s horribly written with grammar and spelling mistakes, or articles that don’t create any value for anyone. Remember that the whole purpose is to give the reader something and show that you’re knowledgeable in your niche. That’s what gets them clicking through.
The First Step – Write The Articles
It all starts with your content. You’ll either have to write your own articles or hire an article ghost writer to do them for you. It all depends on how much time and money you have. Some folks find writing their own articles laborious and outsource. Others enjoy cranking out their own content and enjoy the process of learning how to write good copy.
The articles should have eye-catching titles using your keywords as close to the beginning as possible. The body of the article should be easy to read, interesting, informative and relevant. Remember that the point is to draw the reader in, show them that you know what you’re talking about, and get them to read all the way down to the bottom and click your link. If you’re not confident about your ability to write good copy, you can always find a good article ghost writer to crank it out for you.
Submit Your Articles
The next step is to submit your article. There are thousands of article directories out there, but what you should do is pick a handful and focus on those. Look for article directories that pull in lots of traffic and submit to those. Submitting takes some time, so don’t use too many. There is article submitting software that will shoot your article to hundreds of directories at the touch of a button, but they’re not too reliable and they often get labeled as “spam” by the sites.
These sites are considered expert sites, which means that they get ranked highly in Google and other search engines. If you make good use of your keyword, write high quality articles and submit them regularly to directories, they’ll show up in the search engines and you’ll start to see the traffic coming in.
Good Content Links, Bad Content Stinks
One word of caution though – lousy content will not get anybody to your site. By “lousy content” I mean stuff that’s horribly written with grammar and spelling mistakes, or articles that don’t create any value for anyone. Remember that the whole purpose is to give the reader something and show that you’re knowledgeable in your niche. That’s what gets them clicking through.
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